Once again this year we entered both the Teko Teko and Tohunga competitions, and again all our teams did themselves proud. This year we entered one team in Teko Teko and two teams in teams in Tohunga, although one of the Tohunga teams were unable to have their poits counted officially as they only had three people in the team instead of the required fourt. Nevertheless their score would have been sufficient to earn them a joint second place
Tohunga Team C – Craig, Adam, Ben and Jacob
We got dropped off at Thorlby Village on Saturday, where we got our bags checked and then set off on our long journey to Askrigg. At first we went a bit wrong but we got there eventually. When we got to Askrigg we had to check in at the mess tent and then we put up our tent. We cooked tea which was marked for how good it was, then we messed around and eventually we went to bed where we stayed up and ate sweets. The next day we started to cook breakfast but didn’t get very far before it rained. It rained, and it rained and it rained. We even had to take down our tent in the rain. The route on Sunday was a big circle finishing back in Askrigg and of course it rained, luckily not for long though. All this hard work paid off through because we won!
It was two long walks, one on each day of the weekend. We had to write the route ourselves. We camped in a school field. On the walks we had to go to checkpoints. We had to get up early to get there. We had to get to Askrigg. It was a competition and we came first
Teko Teko – Sophie, Robert, Louse, Emily Simon and Andrew
Once upon a time lived 6 Scouts. There was Sophie – the leader, Robert – the Seconder, Louise – the superviser, Simon – the cook, Emily – the sleep, and Leonard – the lefty. One day they decided they had had enough of their boring lives and decided to go on an adventure. They planned their route of where they were going to go at a jolly church hall called St Wilfreds. They waited and waited until finally the day of the adventure arrived. They went to a jolly little village and set about their long and hard walk carrying everything they needed. They walked up and down hills, over rivers and through gates and fields but did not get lost even once. As they walked they laughed and joked and mashed people as the pleased (for explanation see below). They even had an accident when Leonard’s sledge like rucksack slid forwards on his back and smacked him on the head! He was OK as there is very little in his head to damage! After a long day of walking and messing around they reached a small village where they set up camp for the night. They then cooked their tea and set about doing nothing. At one point they found themselves with so little to do they ended up dragging Emily into the middle of the field and left her there in her sleeping bag! They then had a game of rounders with the “nidderdale lot” after we talked and talked until it was finally time to go to bed. While they where talking Robert and Simon were sent to do the route card again except this time the mag bearings were added giving them some extra needed points
The next morning as the sun rose over the hill and the rain began to fall they had a rude awakening as they heard the leaders shake the tents to wake them. They crawled out of be and made some lovely sausages for the meat-eaters among them and Emily set out on eating her yummy potato cakes. All was going well until disaster struck as Rob dropped the bacon! The fat went on everything. Soon after they set about the task of flicking the fat off everything and onto the nearby wall, they packed up and set off in search of the end. The did as they had the day before, talking and laughing and mashing! They stopped at every check point that they had stated and arrive only 2 hours late! Finally the end had been reached and everyone rejoiced and went home for a bath
Mashing – a form of sorting out problems. If someone said something people didn’t agree with they were hit with a flsh slice called a mashing stick but not meanly just as a joke, although it has been carried on for a long time until it was confiscated at Kielder!
Like all good fairy tales this one also had a good ending as we won the competition
Sophie and Louise
Tohunga Team A – Kate, Jinnie and Cheryl
Tohunga was a competition of camping and walking skills. On the first day we got dropped off at Thoralby and we had to walk to Askrigg, stopping off at checkpoints. When we got to the camp site, we had to sign in and then set up the tent. Then we had tea, it didn’t tast nice
The next day we walked in a circle! We had to plan a route card and use a map to find our way. At the end we got a nice badge showing a sheep camping with little shoes on
We walked miles to Asrigg. Kate went on and on about the fairy circles. We camped one night and walked for two days. We left our stuff at the campsite. At the end we were every tired